Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Blog Address

Hi all-

We have a new blog address. Our old blog address was . I'm in the process of transferring a few blog posts over to this new address. This new blog will continue to have ministry updates and family updates.

yay for the new blog!!

-Kim for the fam

March 18, 2009

Ministry – James 1:22-25 reminds us how important it is for us to apply what we are learning as we study His word. It’s so easy to come together every week in our bible studies building our knowledge and not applying what God is teaching us. We are looking for different opportunities to serve within our community. Pray God would open those doors and we would step out of our comfort zone.

Flying – Lord willing I will be taking the final test for my commercial license next month. I currently meet all the requirements. I would ask for your prayers as I continue my studies. Besides the actual technical skills there is a lot of book work needed to show my full understanding of flying during the oral part of the test.

Home Life – We had a baby!! Carson Lee Harvey was born on March 2, 2009 at Kaiser Hospital in Woodland Hills. He was born at 3:24 p.m. weighing in at 7 lbs. 1 oz, and 20 inches long. We are blessed as parents and so thankful for how God has created him to be. Pray that God would give us wisdom as parents.

Support- We are so thankful to all who are praying for us. We continually see God’s hand in this process and affirmation from Him that this is exactly where he wants us to be. Please pray God would provide the remaining funds to complete the flying. If you would like to participate in supporting us financially, you may mail your tax-deductible donation to Didasko Ministries directly at the address below. Please make checks payable to “Didasko Ministries” and note in the memo line “Tim Harvey”.

In God’s Grace, Tim and Kim

Mailing Address: Didasko Ministries
Attn: Kathy Wheeler
13310 N.E. Shaver
Portland, OR 97230

February 18, 2009

Ministry – In the last month we have had three different opportunities to share about our ministry at various gatherings in our community. We are so thankful for this time, being able to come together in fellowship and build these relationships. Last month we started a Bible study with another couple and are going through the book “God’s Heart for the Nations” by Jeff lewis. It is a great study that is missions focused and we look forward to others joining the study in the coming weeks. In addition, we have met with Cornerstone missionaries while on furlough to encourage them. What a great month of ministry!!

Flying – I began my training for my commercial license this last month and was able to take my written test, which I did pass. This will be the last required license I need. I continue to ask for your prayers, that as I continue this training God would give me the skills to best serve him overseas. In fact, I am setting up a date to fly with a missionary pilot who will assess my skills and determine my areas of strength and areas of need. This will be a good opportunity as I still need to build my hours (approx. 100 more) and can use that time to work on any areas of need.

Home Life – We are having a baby March 2nd!!!
Kim is 38 weeks pregnant and Carson is still breech. We went in for an external cephalic version where they tried to manually turn him from the outside. It was quite painful for Kim and right when they almost got him to flip around; he flipped right on back to a head up position. So, we are scheduled for a c-section on March 2nd. As we prepare for parenthood we wrote down some things we feel are important as a reminder of what our priorities and commitments are as we become parents. Please visit our blog at to read the letter in its entirety.

Support- We pray that God would provide the remaining funds of approximately $15,000 to complete the flying. If you would like to participate in supporting us financially, you may mail your tax-deductible donation to Didasko Ministries directly at the address below. Please make checks payable to “Didasko Ministries” and note in the memo line “Tim Harvey”.
In God’s Grace, Tim and Kim
Mailing Address: Didasko Ministries
Attn: Kathy Wheeler
13310 N.E. Shaver
Portland, OR 97230

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Our Commitment to Carson

Dear Carson,

We are so excited to meet you and are thankful God has called us to be your parents. We have spent a lot of time talking and praying about how we will raise you and care for you. We know that the devil would like us to create idols of false worship and replace Him with marriage or children. Knowing this, we want to commit before God and each other that we will do the following:
1. We will strive to put the Lord our God first and foremost in our lives. We believe being committed to having a relationship with Christ will help us grow and become more like Him. We pray that you will see Christ working in our lives in this way and we will be an example of His love and grace.
2. We will strive to nurture our marriage and make this a priority beneath having a relationship with Christ. We know that the devil does not want moms and dads to stay married. We believe that as we love and serve one another in marriage that we can show others a picture of Christ and the church through our relationship. It will be best for you that we make time to love one another, as we will better parent you as a result.
3. We will strive to love you and provide for your needs. God knows exactly what we need and at His appointed time. We pray that you will join us as we trust Him to meet our needs as a family.
4. We will strive to teach you His word and serve you with the gifts in which God has given us. We will pray with you and read with you and teach you about how amazing God is. We believe that we can do nothing good apart from Him.
5. We will strive to spend time serving as a family. We believe that God has given us the responsibility of loving others and this can be carried out by telling others about Jesus and serving others by meeting felt needs. As a family we can better serve Him together and we look forward to this so much.

We love you already Carson and we take the responsibility of being your parents very seriously. We commit ourselves in every way to loving you and following God’s design for our relationship.

Love, Dad and Mom

January 17, 2009

Ministry – The Perspectives Class came to an end last month. I have heard from a lot of people who have taken it that they learned more about God’s Mission taking this class than actually going overseas on a short term mission trip. I would encourage anyone to find out were it is being offered in your area and SIGN UP! Pray for Kim and me as different opportunities for ministry are opening up between leading bible studies and walking with individuals to reach out to our community.

Flying - I am excited to say that I took the check ride for my INSTRUMENT RATING AND PASSED!!! It involved a good two months of training and as I continue to build hours, I look forward to start working on my Commercial License. One of the great things about flying is enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. I recently flew up to San Francisco and had a wonderful time of worship. Being by yourself for 7 hours in the air and seeing so much reminds you of His greatness.

Home Life - WE ARE MOVING!! Kim is 33 weeks pregnant, and the Lord has provided a one bedroom apartment above a family’s four car garage. We will still be living on the east end of Simi Valley and will be moving in at the end of this month. This opportunity really just “fell in our laps” and as sad as we are to be moving out of the Hampton’s home, we feel blessed that God has provided for us. This will allow us to continue to maintain our budget as well as minister to a new family.

Support- We praise God for those who have committed to praying for our needs regularly and encouraging us. We are thankful for those who have supported us financially as well. We are praising God for the unique ways in which the church body is supporting His work. We pray that God would provide the remaining funds of approximately $15,000 to complete the flying. If you would like to participate in supporting us financially, you may mail your gift to Didasko Ministries directly at the address below. Please note in the memo line of checks, “Tim Harvey”.
Didasko Ministries
Attn: Kathy Wheeler
13310 N.E. Shaver
Portland, OR 97230

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Holidays!! We are so excited to update you with all the happenings in the month of November!

Ministry- Perspectives is well underway and God is doing a great work in people’s lives. After one of our classes I was able to talk with an individual who shared with me about how God is working in his heart to serve Him in fulltime ministry once he retires from the fire department. How amazing it is to see someone give up the luxury of retirement for the kingdom of God. God desires to use all of us at any stage of our life if we are willing to give our selves to Him.

Flying – This last month has been an incredible time of flight training and I look forward to taking my test to receive my Instrument Rating in mid December. Once completed I will begin working on my Commercial License, along with about 100 more flight hours and then I will be done. Please pray God will continue to give me the skills needed to serve Him overseas.

Home Life- Kim is on week 29 and getting bigger every day. The baby is kicking a lot and we can see the movements when we look at Kim’s belly and we think he is starting to respond to our voices. We are praying that God would give us strength and peace during this time as we do not know what to expect with a new addition to our family and not knowing where I will work after the baby is born. Pray for peace and that we would totally trust God in all things!
Please pray with us!

We praise God for meeting our needs. It is such a blessing to be in a place of total reliance on Him. To date we have raised a little over 50% of our need, with $15,000 more to raise. For those who would like to support us financially, you may mail your gift to Didasko Ministries directly. Please note in the memo line “Tim Harvey”.

Didasko Ministries, Inc.
Attn: Kathy Wheeler
13310 N.E. Shaver
Portland, OR 97230

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